

Pick up from Liverpool or Call for delivery options.

This classic basin mixer oozes high class in a modern way. The black finish hides finger prints but gives you the clean, beautiful feeling that's needed in your bathroom. The installation manual and all the items needed to fix the mixer to the basin/bench are included, as it is easy to install. So give your bathroom a unique but classic feeling with this basin mixer.

Rushy series Black Basin Mixer

Model OX0128

New in Box


Pick up from Liverpool or Call for delivery options.

This classic basin mixer oozes high class in a modern way. The black finish hides finger prints but gives you the clean, beautiful feeling that's needed in your bathroom. The installation manual and all the items needed to fix the mixer to the basin/bench are included, as it is easy to install. So give your bathroom a unique but classic feeling with this basin mixer.

Rushy series Black Basin Mixer

Model OX0128

New in Box

RUSHY Black Basin Mixer OX0128 (Pick up only)

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